The Substitute Wife Read online

Page 7

  "Answer me, Andi. You'll find I don't much like to repeat myself."

  "Yes, yes, yes, please stop!"

  Damn, that hurt!

  He spanked like he meant it, even if it was something stupid like that.

  Liz had told her he was loving but strict.

  "Good, because I already know you are going to need lots of them."

  "No, Roar…" she whimpered.

  "Oh yes, baby," he rasped huskily back, his lips against her forehead as he held her still for his hand to tenderly ravage that delicate area between her legs, amazed by just how wet she was for him. "You obviously need to be seen to regularly, in so many ways."

  In the middle of a long, low moan that told him more than he needed to know about what she liked, she felt him push her over, onto her back. His big body, already an imposing presence there, buffeted itself aggressively against her opening as he used his legs to spread hers very far apart, so that she had no hope of closing them.

  "I'm going to fuck you now, Andi," he both threatened and promised against where he had been nibbling her neck. "I'm going to do it slowly at first. I want you to feel every bit of it as I stretch you open. As I take you this first time, I want you to remember it. I'm going to make you cum on my cock, over and over again. I want you to scream my name. And when I'm done, I am going to turn you over my lap and paddle your little backside."

  "N-no!" she protested weakly, her body already betraying her to him, creaming all over the bulbous end of his cock.

  "Oh, yes. I've let you get away with entirely too much this evening, and that's not how I am. I will always make sure you are taken care of—one way or the other—as soon as I can manage it. And you will be going to sleep tonight thoroughly sated, and thoroughly spanked."

  And she knew he wasn't lying or bragging.

  He was just stating the facts.

  Rory entered her so slowly she thought she was going to die long before he finally sank himself into her to the hilt, but nothing she did could get him to move any more quickly, and she didn't want to make the spanking she was apparently going to receive afterwards to be any worse than it already promised to be.

  He was much bigger than anyone she'd taken before, a fact she'd kind of missed on the couch because it had been so surprising to find him within her.

  But there was no getting away from it now. He was big all over. She felt dwarfed by him, just as she'd hoped she would, most particularly there.

  She was just as wet, and even more mentally ready to receive him that she had been, and yet she was having to remind herself to relax around him.

  Andi could tell that he was paying close attention to her and how she was reacting to his slow surge into her. Being built as he was, and being as much of a gentleman as he was, she wasn't surprised about how careful he was of her, not wanting to hurt her or rush her, giving her body time to become accustomed to his presence within it.

  When she had taken every bit of him, he began to slowly pulse his hips forward and himself further into her each time, as he leaned down and cupped the back of her head, holding her still for his kiss. "Kiss me like you think you can convince me not to spank you when I'm done with you," he challenged in a passionate rumble.

  And she did, opening her mouth to his with no hesitation, her tongue dueling with his, suckling gently on his generous bottom lip, edging her teeth along it and listening to hear whether he liked that kind of thing or not.

  He definitely did.

  It was the first time she'd ever kissed a man with a full beard in her life. She'd always wondered if it would be prickly or soft, but it was definitely soft, if still a bit raspy on her skin.

  She liked it.

  "That's the way, honey," he encouraged, removing himself from her abruptly, completely, only to thrust his way powerfully back in, establishing a hard driving rhythm that had her struggling to keep up, and hanging onto him for dear life, feeling buffeted by his hard body as hers did its best to accommodate him, to yield to him and his demands.

  Especially when those fingers were back, right at the button at the top

  of her folds, two big fingers covering all of her sensitivities at once, brushing back and forth over them, and his thumb pulling those puffy, swollen lips up a bit so that none of her little nub could hide from his attentions.

  It was going to be all over for her very soon, and he seemed to sense that.

  "Cum for me, Andi. Cum for me hard while I fuck you."

  Her toes curled and her body arched up into his as he took total control of her, forcing ecstasy on her, not allowing her to avoid it until the tsunami he'd created within her broke over her and she had to scream with it

  —the first time in her life that she had felt the need to do so, in his arms.

  And he didn't let her go at just that, even when her volatile climax seemed to trigger his, his fingers were still busy, coaxing her along to another two before he thrust heavily into her for the last time and collapsed boneless on top of her.

  Only to raise himself up on his hands and toes above her. "Damn, I'm too heavy to do that, aren't I? I didn't mean to hurt you."

  She was glad he couldn't see her rolling her eyes. "Rory, stop it! I'm not some delicate flower. If you're crushing me at any point, I will definitely let you know. In the meantime, please, I love every bit of the feel of you on me. Please. If I can trust you not to hurt me when you spank me, then you have to trust me to tell you if you're accidentally doing something that hurts me."

  His muscles trembling with the effort to hold himself up, Rory nodded and slowly lowered himself to her again with a groan.

  Not certain whether she should really indulge herself or not, Andi nonetheless allowed herself to run her hands up and down his broad, muscular back, and was rewarded by a slight shudder, which stilled her efforts.

  "No, please don't stop," he asked softly. "It feels so good to be touched again."

  As she did so, he moved a bit to one side, his hand finding its way between her legs again. "I know you came, but I don't know you well enough to know if you came enough times to be satisfied."

  He thought that the raw way she reacted to his touch, arching her moist, hot self into his palm, was probably an indicator that she wanted more.

  He gave it to her, pulling another set of climaxes from her that were at least as hard as the first before he used his hold to pull her onto her side, against


  "God damn, woman! You are amazing! You're so responsive. I feel as if I can't put a foot wrong and it's not usually like that for me with-with someone new."

  That kind of brought them both harshly back to reality as Liz was brought abruptly to the forefront of both of their minds.

  But, to her surprise, it was Rory who seemed to recover first, sitting up against the headboard and patting his lap while giving her an expectant look.

  Knowing from her short previous experience with him that she did not want him to spank her, Andrea seized on any excuse to delay what was going to happen.

  "But it's too cold for me to be out here!" she barely dared to moan.

  The look she got for having been bold enough to say that made a shiver run down her spine. Rory merely looked at her from beneath his darkened brow while crooking his finger at her. "You don't know me very well yet, especially not in this capacity, but you do not want to make me have to come get you—ever. And as to you being cold, if you are now, you won't be shortly, especially in one particular area of your anatomy. I can guarantee that the rest of you will get quite warm, too, because you're going to be doing your level best to get away from what's happening at your other end."

  That did not make her any more eager to put herself in his hands, but she also knew that it probably wasn't any too smart of her to make him wait very long for her to do so, either. So she made her way to him, all two or three feet away, as slowly as she thought she could get away with, as he watched her with an indulgent, knowing smile.

  "Want a pillow over my leg
s first?" he offered.

  Andi looked at him with a bright blush. "I don't know."

  "Have you been spanked before, Andi?"

  "Well, yeah, but it was more… in a role play context, rather than actual discipline."

  "Well, I don't do role play. This is who I am."

  "I got that idea from Liz."

  "I don't give play spankings, although I do, occasionally, give sensuous ones. You might have noticed that I like to take care of the people I lo—who are important to me, and this is one of the ways that I show them just how much I do. It's not something I do blithely or casually, because I

  don't spank that way. My spankings, as you may already have noticed, hurt, so that if you're tempted to disobey me in the future, you'll remember how your spankings felt and it will be a deterrent to any unwanted behavior you might be considering."

  Every word he uttered got her hotter than before, despite what she knew she was facing. "I understand."

  "Good. And I know you seem to get that although I will create a certain amount of discomfort, I would never do anything that would truly harm you. Am I right?"

  "Yes, I do."

  "Good." He surprised her then by reaching out to turn her head back towards him. "Because it's very true. I would never want to do anything that would be detrimental to you in any way, Andi."

  "I know, Rory."

  He released her chin then, leaving an arm across her lower back and a big hand on her bare bottom. "Right. Well, then, you have a lot to account for this evening, don't you? Most especially having come up here in the first place—"



  "Don't interrupt me when I'm lecturing, Andi."

  "Sorry," she whispered, because it was about all she could get out.

  Just that one swat had taken the breath from her.

  "You risked your life in doing so. That is a very serious thing. I've already lost—" He choked up momentarily, then forced himself back to rights. "I couldn't bear losing you, too. So that is the most serious of indiscretions. But you've sassed me and made me repeat myself and done many other things this evening that you'll come to learn that I won't tolerate from you."

  She was amazed that he was sounding as if he intended that this relationship would continue beyond this weekend. She kind of didn't think it would, but she was more than willing to go along, even though she knew she was probably facing devastation on an epic scale in the end, when he decided this was just an aberration and that he didn't really want her. However long it lasted, she was going to treasure every single moment—even the ones like this which she was dreading—while at the same time finding herself almost interminably excited by what she knew he was going to do to her.

  She'd always wondered what it was like for Liz to be spanked by him.

  She'd said he was almost ceremonial about it, not that he wouldn't grab her and spank her when he thought she needed it because he certainly would. But he liked things to happen in a certain prescribed way and in his own time; things that he had decided to do because they hit both of their hot buttons.

  And now she was going to find out for herself, more fully than she'd ever imagined she would.

  "But for now, you're going to get a thorough spanking for putting yourself in danger, which is never acceptable."

  And she did.

  Before he'd gotten more than about ten swats into it, she knew she had been cured of ever wanting to know what it was like for Liz, because it was plenty bad enough for her! And he was so strong and so much bigger than she was that he could hold her pretty much still in order to deliver as many spanks as he wanted without her being able to do a thing about it!

  He was depressingly correct about her not being cold because she didn't have any time to be. He was setting fire to one part of her, while the rest of her was actively trying to avoid what he was delivering to her bottom.

  He had trapped her injured leg beneath one of his, which left her with three flailing limbs.

  When she found she could reach back and smack at him with her left hand, both of her hands were removed from the fray and held immobile by thick, strong fingers at the small of her back.

  Waving one leg around did her less than no good, and swatting him, no matter the fact that it was probably like being bitten by a flea for him, only earned her ten of the crispest, sharpest swats she'd received all night. He seemed to take great joy in informing her that it was a separate punishment for having hit him, and that it did not contribute towards her punishment at all.

  When, of course, it most certainly did, as far as she was concerned!

  Chapter VII

  There was no way that he couldn't draw comparisons between the two women he had had over his lap. Liz was a bigger girl, although still svelte, and although he was always conscious of his size and strength around any woman, he had become less so with familiarity and her trust of him, as well as because of her sturdy build.

  Andi, however, was the exact opposite. She was smaller, more delicate and finer boned than Elizabeth had been. Since this was the first time he'd done this with her—to her—he did his best to be cognizant of that fact.

  The contrasts didn't end there either. Liz had short black hair and more of an olive complexion, whereas Andi's skin was pale porcelain, and she had a long veil of wavy reddish blonde hair.

  Still, he wanted to deter her from further misbehavior, so he did spank her quite hard, easily reducing her to tears within the first fifteen sharp, hard strokes or so. He had learned in his years with Liz that tears did not mean that he needed to stop spanking—far from it. Only when Andi seemed to surrender to him completely, stopped fighting him and accepted her punishment from him did he begin to ease off.

  And then he held her there, over his lap, for a long moment, his hand covering that which he had so recently scourged.

  "I'm not sure exactly how much Liz told you about me, but I will always consider those instances when you put yourself in any kind of jeopardy to be the most heinous of crimes, and you will be punished with an according severity."

  She wanted to sniff at him, to pretend that what he'd just done to her hadn't hurt her in the least, but she thought the fact that she was still sobbing loudly, her face still wet with tears, body still heaving and one leg still kicking in the aftermath might give her away.

  As soon as he finally released her wrists, she did manage to try to push herself away from him with a weak, pathetic, "Let me go!"

  But he didn't.

  Instead, he cuddled her to him and dove with the both of them back under the covers, pulling them up over his head, which was, of course, over hers. Tucking her onto his chest, one big hand running lazily up and down her back, he would occasionally reach to squeeze a sore, red cheek, making

  her squeak and arch away in protest, but his hard arm around her easily kept her in pace for more of the same.

  "Remember this the next time you want to do something so stupid, Andi."

  "It wasn't stupid. I had to make sure you weren't going to do anything foolish."

  He had to admit that he found it flattering that she was so concerned about him, but he didn't want her to be so worried about it. "I promise you I won't. I won't lie to you and tell you that there haven't been times when I've considered it in the past because I miss her so much, but then I realized that, if I did, Liz would be standing there on the other side with a baseball bat she'd immediately take to my head."

  "Good. And if your attempt didn't take, I'd be here with another one for when you'd recovered." Andi looked up at him, his face illuminated by the small flashlight he'd brought under the covers with them. "You're much too young to do that. I know you've heard it before, but it's true; you still have your life ahead of you. You could meet someone, someday, you never know.

  It would be a terrible loss, Rory."

  And it would kill me, she didn't say.

  She didn't assume that person would be her, regardless of what she'd so bravely confessed to h
im. In a way, that surprised him. But, then knowing her as he did, it didn't.

  Curled up on his chest as she was, her bottom throbbing terribly but, in a surprisingly reassuring way, Andi found herself drifting off, against her will. She wanted to stay awake the entire time they were together, preserving as many memories of herself with him like this as she could.

  But the soft rise and fall of his chest beneath her cheek, the hard arm around her shoulders, his big fingers laced with hers lulled her off to sleep in spite of her intentions.

  When she awoke, it was slowly, sensuously, feeling herself being gently rearranged under the covers by someone who wasn't going to take no for an answer as she became aware of just how intimately he intended to attend to her.

  He'd built the bed himself to accommodate his own size, even making it quite a bit bigger than himself for just such situations, but if he extended his legs fully, he still ended up with his feet and part of his calves hanging off

  it in this position—not that he minded in the least.

  Rory moved her as little as possible, always conscious of her ankle, bending down to insert himself beneath her leg, then placing it gently over his shoulder as he rolled towards her, settling himself into one of the places on Earth he most enjoyed being, between his—a—woman's legs. From the first time he'd found himself there, he'd been fascinated, enchanted, and unutterably horny just at the thought.

  And, whoever he was with, he'd dedicated himself to learning exactly whatever she liked the best about his mouth on her, then done his best to elevate and embellish, to make each and every experience of it with him one she would never forget.

  Liz had never been shy about how much she adored him doing this for her.

  Andi didn't seem quite as enthusiastic, at least at first. He wasn't sure if she actually didn't like the experience, or if she was simply being shy and modest around him, as she was wont to be. While he found that charming, he wasn't going to let that get in his way if he discovered that she did, indeed, enjoy what he was going to do for her, at least this once.

  "Rory!" she whispered urgently, trying and failing, of course, because he wouldn't allow it, to extricate herself from his clutches. "Rory, what are you doing?"